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Bishop Stan Williams
Founder of The Academy of Excellence

Dr. Euince Williams
Co-Founder The Academy of Excellence

Ms. Kee
Headmistress of Upper Level Division Ed.

Mr. Gill
Academic Dean

Mr. Williams
Dean of Students

Mrs. Gill
Guidance Councilor

Miss Ketwanna
Administration Secretary

Mrs. Mills
Food Program Director

Miss Jayda
Kindergarten Instructor

Mr. Addison
ELA Instructor Upper Division

Mr. Kirkland
Music Instructor

Mrs. Henderson
Math Upper Divison Instructor

Mrs. Parker
Science and History Lower Division Instructor

Miss Ajanya
Math Instructor Lower Division

Mrs. Kendra
Art Instructor Lower Division

Laura Buchanan
Director of Lower Division Ed.

Ms. Hill
Early Learning Instructor

Ms. Cheryl
Early Learning Instructor

Mrs. Charlsetta
Food & Dietary Upper and Lower Division
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